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USPC Manual of Horsemanship - Level A

USPC Manual of Horsemanship - Level A

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Author: Suesan Harris
496 pages

This manual, the third of the United States Pony Club Manuals of Horsemanship, builds on the fundamentals covered in "Basics for Beginners/D Level" and "Intermediate Horsemanship/C Level." Whether you are a Pony Clubber who has passed the C Level tests, a rider who has mastered the same skills, a riding instructor or a stable manager, this manual will enable you to increase your skills and teach you what you need to know to ride with correct, classical technique in advanced work on the flat, over fences, and in the open; to evaluate and school horses; to teach horsemanship; and to manage a stable efficiently.
Table of Contents:
A Note from the United States Pony Clubs, Inc.
About the U.S. Pony Clubs, Inc.
Notes about the USPC B, HA, and A Levels.
Before You Begin.
PART ONE: Riding, Training, and Teaching.
1. Dressage and Training Principles.
2. Riding on the Flat.
3. Riding over Fences.
4. Riding in the Open.
5. Longeing.
6. Teaching Horsemanship.
PART TWO: The Horse.
7. Systems of the Horse.
8. Conformation, Soundness, and Movement.
9. The Foot and Shoeing.
10. Conditioning and Exercise Physiology.
PART THREE: Horse Care and Stable Management.
11. Feeds and Nutrition.
12. Health Care, Diseases, and Veterinary Knowledge.
13. Stable Management.
14. Bandaging.
15. Travel Safety.
16. Bitting, Tack, and Presentation.
Appendix: USPC Standards of Proficieny--B, HA, and A Ratings (Current as of 1996).
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