Beginning Ground Work: Everything We've Learned About Relationship and Leadership (Soul of a Horse Series)
Beginning Ground Work: Everything We've Learned About Relationship and Leadership (Soul of a Horse Series)
Author: Joe Camp
When Joe Camp, national bestselling author of The Soul of a Horse – Life Lessons from The Herd, and his wife Kathleen were first starting with horses they dove deeply into the training books and DVDs of several of the top clinicians in the United States. They owned virtually everything ever written or videoed by Monty Roberts, Clinton Anderson, and the Pat Parelli and they were bouncing back and forth from one to the other testing what worked best with their horses. But Joe was longing for a compressed, congealed, shuffled together guide to the basics. Not just what works best but why. Now he has one. He wrote it. And now it's yours. A book of the good stuff crammed with everything Joe & Kathleen have learned about relationship and leadership. And why it all works. Including an entire chapter on fear. This book can change your relationship with your horse and teach you to trust yourself to trust yourself, and the stories you love and the information you need will always be with you.
Paperback: 82 pages
Size: 5.25 x 8 inches